Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Diarrhea People

Black metal worshipers and occultists are all diarrhea people. My theory is that their heads are empty ovoid meat receptacles, and demons from another dimension fill their devoid minds with rancid metafeces and then the metafeces attracts etherical metaflies, and the flies lay eggs in the feces, and the eggs hatch into meta-maggots, and then the meta-maggots act as one disgusting rotten writhing slimy hive-mind, animating these soulless yet somehow living meat vessels, parading them around and doing psychopathic and just plain gross things, and convincing other feeble-minded backwoods yokels (suburban middle class teenage sociopaths) that it's really cool and cutting-edge to be a living garbage dump. If there's no soul inside of you, Satan wants you... for his poo.

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